The Law Firm of Justin K. Morgan PLLC is here for you!

Civil Litigation

Civil Litigation

Civil proceedings can take on many forms, from family law, personal injury, and other disputes. If you need assistance with a civil matter, contact our law firm for assistance.

Civil Commitment

If you have been sued by the State of Texas under Chapter 841 of the Texas Health and Safety code. Contact our office today.

Commitment under Chapter 841 is involuntary and could be indefinite. When a person has been convicted of more than one sexually violent offense, it could trigger these types of proceedings. If this is a case, you are going to need an experienced lawyer to help.

For details on Chapter 841 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, see the link below.

Asset Forfeiture

If you have had property taken from you as a result of an arrest, contact us today.

Have a question?

At the Law Firm of Justin K. Morgan PLLC, you're not just a client, you're family!
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